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Trained as an architect and an urban development planner, Yiorgos has worked in various roles together with urban development stakeholders to plan, deliver and advise on research-led community-focused projects addressing the complex challenges our cities are facing.

Prior to joining World Habitat Yiorgos had founded Urban Transcripts and initiated its work leading several international urban laboratories, workshops, and events, focused on the co-creation of design and policy solutions in different cities in Europe. He has practiced architecture in France, taught architecture in Sweden, worked as a Planner in Strategic Planning in local government in the UK, and on the social impact and evaluation of urban development projects with NEF Consulting (New Economics Foundation) in London.

Currently, as Programme Lead for the Global Community Led Housing programme, he works with an international network of partners and initiatives to support community led housing practice.

Yiorgos holds two masters from The Bartlett, University College London: at the Space Syntax Lab his research focused on how urban spatiality relates to socio-cultural diversity in Athens, Greece; in the Development Planning Unit, he explored how large-scale housing programmes and policies in Sri Lanka, Greece, and Sweden, have expanded social justice in the city. He is the Editor-in-Chief of The Urban Transcripts Journal.


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