‘Caprichando a Morada’: Living well is part of human dignity
Community-based Organisation (CBO)
Scale: National
Theme: Community participation

Building Partnerships to Eradicate Poverty
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: National
Theme: Capacity building

Technological Transfer Processes for Popular Habitat
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: Regional
Theme: Building materials and technologies

Sint Antoniuspleintje (St. Anthony’s Square)
Private Sector
Scale: City / Town
Theme: Environmentally responsible housing

Water Solutions through Collective Management
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: Local / Neighbourhood
Theme: Infrastructure and services

Earth Roofs for the Sahel
2009 Finalist | Burkina Faso
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: Regional
Theme: Building materials and technologies

Home Ownership Alternatives: A New Financing Paradigm for Affordable Home Ownership
Private Sector
Scale: City / Town
Theme: Housing finance and affordability

Technical Team Planning for Self-Help Housing in the Kambi Moto Community
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: Local / Neighbourhood
Theme: Community participation

Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood
2009 Finalist | New Zealand
Community-based Organisation (CBO)
Scale: Local / Neighbourhood
Theme: Community participation

Social Housing in Supportive Environments (SHSE)
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: National
Theme: Social inclusion