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Terrie Alafat retired from her role as chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), the independent voice for housing and the home of professional standards, at the end of 2019. She remains active in housing and homelessness through her non-executive positions which include Chair of Riverside, Chair of  the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust, Vice- Chair of Crisis, and trustee of the Nationwide Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Before joining CIH in 2015 Terrie was director of housing in the then-Department for Communities and Local Government, with overall policy responsibility for the supply and management of housing across all tenures, housing growth, and homelessness prevention and support. As part of this, she also led on sponsorship of the Homes and Communities Agency. She worked in the civil service covering various housing policies and programmes from 2003.

Terrie was given a CBE in 2013 for services to homeless people.

Terrie began her career in the UK in social services policy development in a local authority and was director of housing and corporate strategy in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea until she moved to the civil service. Her academic background is in social policy and research.

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Annual Report 2023

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