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Jo Richardson is Professor of Housing and Social Inclusion and Associate Dean (Research) based in Nottingham Business School at Nottingham Trent University. She is Past President of the Chartered Institute of Housing. She joined as a Trustee of World Habitat in Spring 2018.  Jo’s research in housing includes work funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation looking at conflict resolution in site management and delivery for Gypsies and Travellers plus ESRC and AHRC funded studies on co-production of research and working with communities; additionally she has undertaken a range of work evaluating projects for councils and housing organisations across the country.

Jo has worked with local partners on the ‘End Street Homeless’ campaign in Leicester and undertaken projects further afield, including a visiting lecture at Harvard University in 2016 and a Visiting Fellowship small research project on housing disadvantage for Indigenous communities, at Swinburne University in Melbourne.  Prior to her career in academia Jo was a housing practitioner working with a local authority, a housing association, also in policy and practice at the Chartered Institute of Housing.    

You can follow Jo on Twitter: @socialhousing




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