Champlain Housing Trust
2008 Winner | United States of America
Community-based Organisation (CBO)
Scale: City / Town
Theme: Housing finance and affordability

Preventing Typhoon Damage to Housing, Central Viet Nam
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: National
Theme: Capacity building

Monteagudo Housing Project
Community-based Organisation (CBO)
Scale: Local / Neighbourhood
Theme: Income generation

‘Habitat para la Mujer’ – the Maria Auxiliadora Community
Community-based Organisation (CBO)
Scale: Local / Neighbourhood
Theme: Gender issues in housing

Sustainable Land Tenure Regularisation as an Instrument for Social Transformation
Private Sector
Scale: National
Theme: Informal settlements/slums

Streets to Homes
Government, Local or Provincial/State
Scale: City / Town
Theme: Homelessness

Sustainable Housing Europe (SHE) – Moving from Extraordinary to Ordinary
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: Regional
Theme: Environmentally responsible housing

Cheap and Clean Electric House Heating for the Poor in Bishkek
2008 Finalist | Kyrgyzstan
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: City / Town
Theme: Building materials and technologies

Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia
Community-based Organisation (CBO)
Scale: National
Theme: Community participation

De Dichterlijke Vrijheid (DDV)
2008 Finalist | Netherlands
Government, Local or Provincial/State
Scale: Local / Neighbourhood
Theme: Housing finance and affordability