Ecomaterials in Social Housing Projects
Academic / Research
Scale: Provincial / State
Theme: Building materials and technologies

ZukunftsWerkStadt Leinefelde
Government, Local or Provincial/State
Scale: City / Town
Theme: Environmentally responsible housing

Azerbaijan Integrated Community Shelters
2007 Finalist | Azerbaijan
International Agency
Scale: Provincial / State
Theme: Gender issues in housing

Self-managed Vertical Housing
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: City / Town
Theme: Capacity building

PASO A PASO: Strategic Alliances for Better Housing
Academic / Research
Scale: Provincial / State
Theme: Community participation

Straw-bale Housing in the Sieben Linden Ecovillage
Community-based Organisation (CBO)
Scale: Local / Neighbourhood
Theme: Building materials and technologies

Appropriate Housing Technologies in Orissa
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: Provincial / State
Theme: Building materials and technologies

Integrated People-Driven Reconstruction
Community-based Organisation (CBO)
Scale: Provincial / State
Theme: Community participation

Ballybane Neighbourhood
Government, Local or Provincial/State
Scale: City / Town
Theme: Community participation

Prince Salman Charity Housing Project
2007 Finalist | Saudi Arabia
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Scale: Provincial / State
Theme: Capacity building