Please list the activities and work your organisation and partners carry out.
Please include the reasons why your project started and the challenges you are trying to overcome. Also, include the context you are operating in, who you are trying to help, and why, and what life is like for them.
Please include the achievements you are most proud of, and what it would mean to you – and the people you have supported - to win a World Habitat Award.
Please upload below any impact assessments, evaluations, case studies etc. as accompanying evidence for your submission.
Please include details of what is different or special about your approach and whether another organisation is doing similar work. We are particularly interested in any creative solutions that you may have developed.
Please include details of how you work with partners, beneficiaries and stakeholders and how you include the community in your work.
Please provide information about your operating costs and how they are met. Also, include any fundraising details (including those of the funder) that have helped to deliver your project. In addition, please tell us about any funds you have raised to deliver the project, including the names of funding organisations.
Please include details of how your project has achieved what it set out to, and how it has improved lives, including helping people to develop skills and/or find work, or generated any other type of income. We are also interested in whether your project has influenced any policy or practice.
Please upload below any impact assessments, evaluations, case studies etc. as accompanying evidence for your submission.
Please include details of what you have done to protect the environment through your work (if applicable)? E.g. Reducing pollution/carbon footprint; use of sustainable materials/natural resources, recycled building materials and renewable energy. Is your organisation implementing measures to reduce its carbon footprint?
Do you have any evidence of your impact on the environment (please provide and/or upload below links to evidence)
Please include details of whether your project was inspired by another project elsewhere and/or whether it has been replicated by others locally, nationally or internationally. We are also interested in whether you have successfully scaled up your approach.
If your project is now completed, we would like to know whether your plan to replicate it elsewhere. If it is ongoing, we would like to know your future costs will be met. Please explain whether your future plans depend on something outside of your control.
The Gold Award winners participate in a year-long exChange collaboration. With that in mind, please detail what activities you would like to work with us on and why you think they would be valuable to you and others.