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Desarrollo comunitario integrado para la reducción de la pobreza

Bután es un país sin litoral ubicado en lo alto de la parte oriental de la cordillera del Himalaya. Sus 770.000 habitantes están desperdigados por las empinadas laderas y los profundos valles del país. Las personas viven en aldeas remotas, en muchos casos inaccesibles, sin servicios básicos, en general, en chozas de paja. Las condiciones de […]

Homes For Good

State investment in new social homes has been decreasing in the UK since the late 1970s. Existing social housing stock was further depleted by the right-to-buy policy introduced in the 1980s, which allowed tenants to buy their homes at greatly subsidised prices. The lack of social homes means low-income households are increasingly seeking accommodation in […]

MicroBuild Fund

At least 1.6 billion people worldwide live in substandard housing – but for low-income families in the developing world, the options for financial support to improve their homes are extremely limited. These households typically have undocumented and volatile incomes and usually lack the collateral needed for a mortgage. Many work in the informal sector and […]


One of the biggest challenges facing social housing providers across the world is the need to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Old buildings use a lot of energy, making them a major source of carbon emissions as well as being uncomfortable and expensive to live in. Many countries have introduced carbon reduction targets […]