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The CoHabitat Network unites community-led housing organisations and allies from across the world – working together to implement housing rights through collective, non-speculative, people-led solutions. It is facilitated by urbaMonde and is made up of international member organisations.

The CoHabitat Network:

  • exchanges knowledge and experiences through peer-to-peer learning
  • produces and collects community-managed data and information to demonstrate the successes and potential of community-led housing; and
  • develops tools and strategies for the expansion of community-led housing, around affordable and collaborative financial tools.

World Habitat was one of the founding members of the Network. We have partnered with urbaMonde to make grant funding and guidance available to:

  • Promote community-led housing widely to ensure it is known, encouraged, and supported by the population at large
  • Increase financial knowledge and strengthen capacitiy of people working in the community-led housing sector
  • Advocate for the growth and widespread implementation of community-led housing globally
  • Support the consolidation of the CoHabitat Network.

The Co-Habitat Network has successfully:

  • Orgnanised international meetings and regional hubs around community-led housing
  • Sustained global connections and grown new partnerships between its members and key relevant stakeholders
  • Produced resources and events such as workshops, publications, and webinars on themes relevant to the community-led housing sector
  • Developed tools such as
    • A global io database for community-led housing to allow people to discover and document projects and their partners around the world!
    • Network Awards to document, showcase and celebrate regional ground-breaking community-led housing initiatives
    • The Habitat Solidarity Fund as a funding mechanism to address the lack of access to affordable finance within the community-led housing sector.
  • Carried out social media campaigns during Urban October to raise awareness of the CoHabitat Network and the inspirational community-led housing activities from across the world.

To find out more about the Co-Habitat network and CLH download a copy of our 2021 Annual Report or catch up with all the latest CLH blogs.

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Annual Report 2023

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