The scheme consists of a mixture of twelve flats and three houses built on the edge of the Lyng Estate in Sandwell. Energy saving devices include heavily insulated timber frame walls and roofs, conservatories to houses, careful sizing and orientation of windows, low-energy lighting, solar water heating panels and communal heating systems; this accounts for a 50 per cent reduction in energy usage. Water consumption is reduced by 30 per cent by incorporating grey water recycling, spray taps and rainwater harvesting. Materials are chosen for their sustainability, such as the timber frame, Western Red Cedar cladding and recyclable aluminium roofs and rainwater goods. Pre-fabrication of various elements ensured minimal wastage and quick erection times on site. All the units are wired for communications, entertainment and data, in each room, whilst the IT infrastructure also allows CCTV connection from front doors to TV sets, and from entry intercoms to individual telephones inside the homes. The layouts and specifications comply with ‘Lifetime Homes’ and ‘Secure by Design’. Residents were consulted during the design process and have been monitored for their views since occupation. In addition, the local schools based several education projects on the scheme, and local trainees became involved in the construction process.


Private sector, NGO