The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the Housing Solutions for Peace programme, developed by the Guillermo Toriello Foundation, on the lives of beneficiary families and communities in Guatemala.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the Housing Solutions for Peace programme on the lives of beneficiary families and communities in Guatemala.
This nationwide housing programme arose out of the Peace Accords established at the end of a long civil war. Developed by the Guillermo Toriello Foundation (FGT), the Housing Solutions for Peace programme aims to re-integrate displaced persons and restore the communities that have been damaged by the hostilities of the civil war.
The objectives of this independent impact study include the following:
- To evaluate the degree to which the programme objectives have been fulfilled.
- To learn the point of view of the beneficiary population in relation to the changes that the project has generated in their quality of life, in the promotion of local development and in the process of permanent re-integration.
- To determine the level of participation and evaluate the impact of the FGT housing programme on public housing policy and programmes.
- To draw up recommendations and proposals for the development of a pilot programme for rural housing and a programme for urban social housing, based upon the experience of the FGT housing programme.
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