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Cabral Adagewine, National Production Manager at ‘A Roof, A Skill, A Market’ in Ghana (World Habitat Awards winner 2016-17).

How would you describe ‘A Roof, A Skill, A Market’ in 10 words?

Not only housing, but training, employment, environment, strengthening local market.

What do you think is the best thing about ‘A Roof, A Skill, A Market’?

I think it’s the combination of the three components of the programme: “a roof, a skill, a market”.  We don’t only offer an innovative technical solution to tackle housing issues in Sahelian areas, we propose to the populations to be an actor of this solution while being autonomous.

What motivates you to do what you do at ‘A Roof, A Skill, A Market’?

I can see everyday that my work brings a relevant and efficient solution to my community to tackle a major problem. I think that all African employees at the Nubian Vault Association are proud to be part of a programme that brings concrete results.

What is the single most important part of winning a World Habitat Award?

It is always rewarding when your work is recognised. But of course, the fact that it’s the World Habitat Awards, the most prestigious award in the housing sector, is a great success for us. We have been working very hard for more than 17 years now to bring a change in West Africa. The fact that the prize has arrived now is an extra motivation for all of us and encourages us to push our effort harder!

Why do you think you won?

The programme “A Roof, A Skill, A Market” won because it’s bringing relevant solutions to several issues: providing decent and cheaper housing, protecting the environment, tackling unemployment, strengthening the local economy.  By focusing on one sector, building houses, we actually tackle several challenges. Moreover, I think that our market base approach is an innovative approach that appeals to the jury.

Read all about ‘A Roof, A Skill, A Market on their project page.

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