Projects and programmes that provide significant housing solutions are invited to enter the 2020 World Habitat Awards.
For over 30 years the World Habitat Awards have provided housing projects and programmes with international recognition for their pioneering, innovative and – sometimes – revolutionary work. In total, more than 250 outstanding projects and programmes have been recognised, each one transforming the lives of individuals, families and communities through housing.
Yasmeen Lari, Co-Founder and CEO, Heritage Foundation of Pakistan and 2018 World Habitat Awards winner, said:
“I cannot thank World Habitat enough for the Award and even more so for arranging for the trophy to be presented in Pakistan in the midst of hundreds of rural women representing 60,000 women chulah-makers of Pakistan. There are not enough words to express the significance of the World Habitat Award trophy presented for the Pakistan Chulah to the President of Pakistan by David Ireland at the Zero Carbon Campus at Makli in November 2019. This remarkable gesture of bestowing recognition to the rural stove-maker, has uplifted the spirit of women of Pakistan. In a male dominated society, witnessing a trophy dedicated to women for their initiative and creativity, has elevated women’s status in society and enhanced their dignity in the eyes of their menfolk, at the same time giving extraordinary fillip to the process of stove construction.”
Kuni Koyama – from World Habitat Award Winner 2018 – Little Ones, said:
“After receiving the World Habitat Award, my organisation, Little Ones, has had many great experiences. Many people – including companies, organisations, and governments – from Japan and other countries contacted us to find out how we manage our housing project for single mothers. It is so great to have been able to share our ideas and to know that single mothers across the world are getting more and more support as a result. We, at Little Ones, really appreciate what the World Habitat Award has done for us.”
David Ireland, Director of World Habitat, said:
“Millions of people across the world are denied the basic human right of somewhere safe and secure to live. This is clearly not acceptable. However, there is a staggering number of projects and programmes in every part of the world that are addressing this scandal.
“This is what our World Habitat Awards are all about. Finding out about this great work, celebrating it and sharing it so the ideas, innovation and solutions can happen elsewhere – particularly where they are needed most.
“Please take the time to enter the 2020 World Habitat Awards. It’s critical that the best solutions to our housing challenges – particularly those that address the climate emergency and human rights – are given the recognition and prominence that they deserve.”
Two winners of the 2020 World Habitat Awards will receive a Gold Award and £10,000. There will also be Silver and Bronze Awards for other outstanding projects and programmes. In addition, winning projects will have the opportunity to share their approach to housing solutions through World Habitat’s Exchange and Transfer Programme.
The Awards remain open for entry until 23:59 GMT on Monday 23 March 2020.
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