A report outlining good practice examples in sustainable urban regeneration throughout Europe, including exemplar projects in Berlin, Germany; Lille, France; Turin, Italy; Charleroi, Belgium; Liverpool, UK; and Valencia, Spain.
Will our towns and cities be places where people want to have their home 20 years from now? Social housing organisations throughout Europe have spent more than 20 years campaigning for sustainable urban development: in plain language, neighbourhoods and homes that people will still want to live in, a generation and more on.
This report outlines good practice examples from: Berlin, Germany; Lille, France; Turin, Italy; Charleroi, Belgium; Liverpool, UK; and Valencia, Spain. These projects provide examples of projects where:
- There has been significant and comprehensive urban renewal and not just a few isolated instances of improvement within the area.
- The issues of long-term sustainability of the renewal approach have been addressed.
- There has been genuine resident participation on real strategies for the solution of agreed problems.
- Partnership agreements have been established between key players and social housing organisations have played a key role.
- Social inclusion and social integration have resulted from the urban renewal approach.
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