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Housing the Homeless in Ecuador

A detailed description of housing provision for the poorest of the poor in Guayaquil including house plans, costing and self-assembly instructions for low-cost bamboo housing.

Written in both Spanish and English, this report describes in detail the pioneering housing work of the Viviendas del Hogar de Cristo organisation in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Over the last thirty years this organisation has developed and operated a low-cost housing production system, supported with an affordable credit system for the poor living in the city of Guayaquil. Clear guidance is provided in this report for those who wish to use or adapt this approach to meet their own needs.

35,000 homes to date have been provided suing pre-fabricated bamboo panels and self-help construction methods. The dwellings cost only one seventh of the cheapest government house, they perform well in the humid equatorial climate and can be easily enlarged if necessary. Low-cost credit facilities enable families to purchase their homes over a two-year period. The prefabricated panels are produced in Viviendas del Hogar del Cristos own manufacturing plant which helps provide employment for local people.

The project demonstrates how the poorest of the poor can be helped to help themselves. The dwellings provide are simple but provide stability and security for the destitute families of Guayaquil.

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