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Building Safer Urban Environments: The Way Forward

Increasing levels of crime and insecurity in urban neighbourhoods are a worldwide phenomenon. This consultation identifies how tackling a wide range of social disorders and incivilities can help to make urban areas safer places in which to live and work.

Increasing levels of crime and insecurity in urban neighbourhoods are a worldwide phenomenon. This report provides a summary of the discussions at a Consultation held at St Georges House in Windsor Castle to identify how to make our urban areas safer places to live and work. Twenty-five people with a wide range of expertise and experience were brought together for two days and developed an Agenda for Action that identified:

  • What works and what doesnt in making neighbourhoods safer.
  • How to get young people on side.
  • How to get good projects into a sustainable process.This report includes information on how to change the delivery system from the current top down and centralised control approach towards giving local people a much greater role within their local community. It also sets out in detail how to achieve the recommendations included in the Agenda for Action.

Hastings Commons

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