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Jornadas de Intercambio Pakistán/Johannesburgo

CD-ROM of the 2007 International Study Visits to the 2006 Winners of the World Habitat Awards: the Building and Construction Improvement Programme, Pakistan and Johannesburg Housing Company, South Africa.

The purpose of the international study visits was to provide an in-depth understanding of the practical techniques, training methods and project management approaches used in the award winning programmes as well as providing the opportunity for the exchange of experiences. Compiled in English and Spanish, the CD-ROM contains details of both projects as well as videos, images and the reflections of those who took part in the international study visits.

The Building and Construction Improvement Programme (BACIP) of the Aga Khan Planning and Building Service, Pakistan works with local communities in northern Pakistan to develop and manufacture a range of affordable, environmentally- and regionally-appropriate home improvement products. Over 60 different products have been tested and applied to date, benefiting nearly 14,000 households across 145 villages in the Northern Areas and Chitral regions.

The work of the Johannesburg Housing Company (JHC) involves the adaptive re-use of empty city-centre buildings as well as construction on brownfield sites to deliver mixed-tenure, affordable rental housing whilst acting as a trigger for the regeneration of the surrounding area. To date, JHC has provided nearly 3,000 homes in 24 buildings, adding a further eight per cent to the residential stock of Johannesburg’s inner city.

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