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Homelessness solutions in Central and Eastern Europe are based on emergency and temporary services, but evidence shows that these types of services are expensive, short-term and don’t end homelessness.

In contrast, evidence from small housing-led programmes in the region shows that these approaches are effective at solving homelessness, by quickly providing safe and stable homes to anyone experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

To catalyse a change to a housing-led model in Central and Eastern Europe, we announced in March 2023 that World Habitat had commissioned an independent feasibility study to explore the barriers, challenges, and opportunities of implementing a housing-led approach in this region.

Our feasibility study ‘Ending Homelessness in Central and Eastern Europe: Making the shift to a housing-led system‘ launched on Monday 18th September at a free online event, which you can watch back on our YouTube channel or access the study, findings, key recommendations and useful supporting information and data.

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Annual Report 2023

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