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Across the world, there is increasing pressure to make a profit from housing and land, rather than giving people the right to adequate shelter. Far too many people are facing or experiencing displacement and poor living conditions.

Home ownership and rental are the main housing nmodels in most countries, but these options are not always affordable to low-income groups. Unfortunately there is not enough social or public housing to meet demand.

On top of this, communities that live in the shadow of climate-related disasters are being displaced at an alarming rate, as their areas and lives change to new global weather patterns. Millions are already migrating in search of new homes, and this number is only likely to grow.

However, new housing models, created by communities for communties – not profit – are overcoming these threats, providing adequate, secure and safe places to live: we call these types of initiatives community-led housing. Inspired by community-led housing experiences from across the world, more and more residents are coming together and tailoring these solutions to their own countries and regions.

At World Habitat we believe we need more innovative community-led housing models to make adequate, affordable and sustainable housing available for low-income groups, and at the same time guarantee security of tenure.

We promote solutions that have the potential to influence policy and practice, to ensure greater social, economic, and environmental resilience.