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Collaborative housing (or community-led housing) is about ‘local people playing a leading and lasting role in solving housing problems, creating genuinely affordable homes and strong communities’ (National CLT Network). It’s a model which is taking off around the globe as more people become aware of their power to shape their own cities and communities according to what works best for them.

At World Habitat we believe that to understand a housing model there’s nothing better than seeing it with your own eyes and talking to residents (as we do in our Peer Exchanges). And hundreds of collaborative housing projects are preparing to welcome you into their homes through the European Intentional Communities Days.

Countries including France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Belgium and the UK have all previously hosted events, which allow people to experience first-hand what community-led housing means and the impact it is having.

These events, which usually take place in May, create the opportunity to ask: How do these projects work? What is the relationship between neighbours? Is it affordable? How do you make decisions as a community? What are the pros and cons of living there?

It is also a chance to see the impact of collaborative housing not only on its residents, but on the wider community. Events like these inspire other people and communities to engage with collaborative housing and gain the knowledge to create their own projects.

The time where people had no alternative to market or state solutions is over. And…who knows? In a few years, you might be the one opening the door of your own co-housing or cooperative to curious visitors.

For more information and upcoming dates visit:

Events happening in May:

Netherlands: Europese GemeenschappelijkWonenDag

Belgium: Samenhuizendag (Flanders) and Portes Ouvertes Européennes de l’habitat groupé (Wallonia)

France: Portes Ouvertes Européennes de l’Habitat Participatif

Italy: Europee “a porte aperte” dell’Abitare Collaborativo

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