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On Friday 9 February, at the World Urban Forum 9 in Kuala Lumpur, the two winners of the 2017 World Habitat Awards took centre stage and received their trophies.

Rafael Tuts, Director Programme Division UN-Habitat, and David Ireland, World Habitat Director, presented the trophies to the Post-Haiyan Self-Recovery Housing Programme and Mutual Housing at Spring Lake.

David Ireland, Director of World Habitat, said, “These winners are two of the most exciting housing solutions happening in the world right now.” He continued, “At World Habitat we see great potential in their work – especially in terms of being scaled up. We’re looking forward to working with them both over the next year!”

Rafael Tuts, Director Programme Division UN-Habitat, said, “Housing is at the centre of the New Urban Agenda and this year’s winners show that community-led development is an effective way.” He added, “I hope these awards will inspire many others in different countries.”

Jerome Lanit, Emergency Coordinator at CARE Philippines, said, “I am honoured and grateful for receiving the World Habitat Award on behalf of CARE and our partners.”

Roberto Jiménez, CEO of Mutual Housing California, said, “Thank you to World Habitat for giving us this award which highlights the dignity and importance of our work.”

You can enter the World Habitat Awards 2018 online now.

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