World Habitat, with funding from the Nationwide Foundation, is supporting the community-led housing movement.
The overall goal is to support growth and expansion in community-led housing through promotion, sharing information and collaboration. The case studies help showcase community-led housing to potential new entrants. The community-led housing activity covered includes:
Canopy & Leeds Community Homes: Community-based regeneration and collaboration in a Northern City
East Cambridgeshire District Council: Pro-active local authority support for community-led development
East London CLT: The Capital’s first Community Land Trust
The North-East Community-led Development Network: Supporting Innovation and Delivery (this also includes 2 mini studies relating to two of the Networks founder members)
- Stocksfield Community Association Trading Arm (SCATA): Building a successful community-led housing association partnership and
- Glendale Gateway Development Trust: An innovative cocktail of funding to tackle rural empty properties
Redditch Cooperative Homes: A regional housing association with a strong on-going commitment to community-led development
The Threshold Centre: The partnership route to cohousing
Wessex Community Assets: Creating and sustaining community-led partnerships in the south west
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