From Monday 18 – Friday 22 September we’ll be bringing nine people from nine different countries together in Zurich, Switzerland to learn how More than Housing managed to successfully set up one of the largest housing cooperatives in Europe.
Our participants are part of or in the process of setting up co-operatives around the world. They will be joining us from Cameroon, Greece, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, UK, Italy, Turkey and Nicaragua.
The week will include site visits to learn how More than Housing was inspired by early co-operatives in the city. There will also be the opportunity to talk to residents about life at the co-operative.
Our Director, David Ireland, explains why this is one of the world’s best; “It’s inspiring to see that cooperative housing can be this good. Wide airy stairwells are meeting places where neighbours talk; shops are let on the basis of what the community wants not who just can afford the rent. This project is successful in being a home to a community not a stockpile of individual dwellings.”
During the week representatives from urbaMonde will be there to run a session on transfer, where participants can discuss ideas on how to replicate aspects of the project in their home countries.
For more on the visit follow us on Twitter with the hashtag #MorethanHousing.
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