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On Monday 8 May the two 2016-17 World Habitat Awards winning projects will receive their trophy at the twenty-sixth session of the Governing Council of UN-Habitat at the United Nations office in Nairobi, Kenya. A Roof, A Skill, A Market in West Africa and More than Housing in Switzerland were selected as winners.

A Roof, A Skill, A Market operates across five West African countries in the Sahel training hundreds of local people to create vaulted roofs using sun-dried mud bricks. This technique replaces unsuitable materials often used for housing and has resulted in over 2,000 homes now being more affordable and comfortable.

More than Housing is one of the largest and most ambitious cooperative housing projects in Europe resulting from the collaboration of more than 50 different cooperatives which led to the development of thirteen environmentally friendly buildings. This socially diverse community live in 400 housing units and have access to facilities such as retail units, meeting areas and large shared spaces.

You can read more about both winners as well as our ten finalists in this free publication.

Their presentation and involvement at the twenty-sixth session of the Governing Council of UN-Habitat is as follows:

World Habitat Awards trophy presentation

Both projects will be presented with their trophy by UN-Habitat.

  • Date: Monday 8 May from 10:00am during the Plenary session

Side event: ‘World Habitat Award winners – best housing practice & how to implement it’ 

The winners will present their projects with the chance for questions.

  • Date: Monday 8 May from 2:00 to 2:45pm
  • Location: Conference room 11

Further details on the agenda can be found at

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