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The Reallocation of Resources to meet Global Shelter Needs

Meeting shelter needs around the world is one of the crucial elements in ensuring that a sustainable world order is established. This consultation identifies how the reallocation of human, intellectual and financial resources from military pursuits will help to bring about the secure and stable world that military power cannot achieve.

This report provides a summary of the discussions at a Consultation held at St Georges House in Windsor Castle to identify how to encourage a reallocation of human, intellectual and financial resources from military pursuits to addressing the social, environmental and economic issues that lead to insecurity in the world. Twenty-three people with a wide range of expertise and experience were brought together for two days and developed an Agenda for Action that dealt with the following issues:

  • The opportunities for the reallocation of resources.
  • How to release resources through common security arrangements.
  • The global shelter strategy to the Year 2000 and how to deal with a world of cities.
  • What the world wants and how to pay for it using world military expenditures

The report includes a summary of the action that can be taken at community, government and global levels, setting out in detail how to achieve the recommendations included in the Agenda for Action.

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