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These downloadable guides provide details on two earthquake-resistant construction systems – one using cement blocks and the other using earth blocks. This information has been kindly made available by FUNDASAL who are working with local communities in El Salvador to rebuild their homes and economies after the earthquakes of 2001. Both documents are in Spanish but include photos, diagrams and plans that can be easily understood.

Manual de Construcción Sistema Bloque Panel

This document provides clear photographs, diagrams, plans and other construction guidance for a 26 m² house that can be built on a mutual-help basis using cement blocks. It was developed for use by FUNDASAL in its post-earthquake reconstruction work in El Salvador. The cost of the house, excluding the family’s labour contribution, is US$1,900.

Sistema Sismo-Resistente de Construcción de Vivienda Utilizando la Tierra

This document gives guidance on the use of mud blocks to build earthquake resistant housing. It includes clear photographs, plans and diagrams for how houses can be built on a mutual-help basis. It was developed for use by FUNDASAL in its post-earthquake reconstruction work in El Salvador.

For further information on FUNDASAL’s La Paz Post-earthquake Reconstruction Programme, winner of the 2004 World Habitat Award, please click here.

Please click on the Related Documents at the bottom of the page to download the reports free of charge.

Related Documents

Manual de Construcción Sistena Bloque Panel

Sistena Sismo-Resistente de Construcción de Vivienda Utilizando la Tierra




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