These case studies, featuring a cross-section of projects from across the UK, were produced by Social Regeneration Consultants. They demonstrate real life stories, key messages and positive outcomes.
World Habitat, with funding from the Nationwide Foundation, is supporting the community-led housing movement.
The overall goal is to support growth and expansion in community-led housing through promotion, sharing information and collaboration. The case studies help showcase community-led housing to potential new entrants.
The community-led housing activity covered includes:
Canopy & Leeds Community Homes: Community-based regeneration and collaboration in a Northern City
East Cambridgeshire District Council: Pro-active local authority support for community-led development
East London CLT: The Capital’s first Community Land Trust
The North-East Community-led Development Network: Supporting Innovation and Delivery (this also includes 2 mini studies relating to two of the Networks founder members)
Stocksfield Community Association Trading Arm (SCATA): Building a successful community-led housing association partnership and
Glendale Gateway Development Trust: An innovative cocktail of funding to tackle rural empty properties
Redditch Cooperative Homes: A regional housing association with a strong on-going commitment to community-led development
The Threshold Centre: The partnership route to cohousing
Wessex Community Assets: Creating and sustaining community-led partnerships in the south west
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