CD-ROM of the 2006 International Study Visits to the 2005 Winners of the World Habitat Awards: the Energy Efficient Straw-bale Housing Project, China and the Solar Housing Renovation Project in Gårdsten, Sweden.
The purpose of the international study visits was to provide an in-depth understanding of the practical techniques, training methods and project management approaches used in the award winning programmes as well as providing the opportunity for the exchange of experiences. Compiled in English and Chinese, the CD-ROM contains details of both projects as well as videos, images and the reflections of those who took part in the international study visits.
Using an innovative straw-bale construction method, Energy Efficient Straw-bale Housing Project works with communities in northern China to build houses and other public buildings using waste rice straw. To date, over 600 houses have been completed and training in the environmentally and socially sustainable construction techniques has been provided to over 500 people.
The Solar Housing Renovation Project has applied a range of socially and environmentally sustainable approaches that have transformed the neglected Gårdsten estate in Sweden. Reduced energy costs, new community facilities and greater opportunities for social interaction have all contributed to an overall improvement in the residents’ quality of life.
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