From across the globe 12 solutions to some of the most pressing housing problems – post-disaster housing, community-led approaches, homes for marginalised or vulnerable groups and developing local skills for income generation – have been shortlisted as finalists in the World Habitat Awards 2016-17.
The 2016-17 finalists are:
Passiv Solar Verandas – Afghanistan
Passiv-standard living spaces providing livelihoods to masons, and improving living conditions for low-income families in harsh climates.
Intercultural Neighbourhood – Argentina
Housing and intercultural communal living developed between the indigenous Mapuche community and impoverished creole communities.
A Roof, A Skill, A Market – Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Benin & Ghana
Pan-African programme of training and market development for a sustainable construction method, based on ancient techniques.
Resilient Social Housing – Chile
Resilient and adaptable social housing enabling coastal communities to return to their villages after a tsunami.
Urban Shelter Project – Jordan
Refurbishing previously uninhabitable properties to provide medium-term rent-free homes for Syrian refugees and providing long-term assets for the host community.
Promoting eco-sanitation in informal settlements – Kenya
Community sanitation facilities built at scale to improve access to water and sanitation, generating income for communities and bringing additional benefits such as skills development, housing units and community spaces.
Reconstruction of Habitat – Mexico
Self-built resilient housing by reviving and reaffirming traditional construction techniques in low-income communities vulnerable to natural disasters.
50,000 Houses for War Victims – Sri Lanka
Humanitarian and financial support to help communities displaced by the Sri Lankan civil war to rebuild their homes.
More than Housing – Switzerland
Co-operative housing programme at scale focusing on environmental sustainability and social diversity.
Granby Four Streets Community Land Trust – United Kingdom
Unique in the UK as a community-led regeneration of an entire neighbourhood. It is all the more remarkable because the community is amongst the poorest in the UK and has experienced extreme decline and dereliction.
Stonewall Housing – United Kingdom
Providing the UK’s only housing advice, advocacy and accommodation specifically for LGBT people, often marginalised by mainstream services.
Iberville Offsites: affordable homes resisting gentrification – United States of America
Renovating historic homes to provide affordable housing for low-income families in neighbourhoods vulnerable to both gentrification and natural disasters.
David Ireland, Director of World Habitat, said, “Revealing the finalists of the annual World Habitat Awards is always an exciting time. The 12 projects really stand out by the way they are addressing major problems. What is so unique is the way they are improving lives and empowering people. One of our key priorities is to support ways these successes can benefit or be replicated in other places around the world.”
Full details of each of the 12 finalists can be found at www.worldhabitatawards.org.
Notes to editors
Founded in 1976 Building and Social Housing Foundation is a catalyst for change. It identifies great ideas and the best housing practice from around the world and seeks to transfer those ideas and practices to places where they are needed most. It runs the World Habitat Awards and programmes to promote community-led housing and end street homelessness.
The World Habitat Awards are annual and have been established for over 30 years, run in partnership with UN-Habitat.
We will be announcing the winners in early 2017 followed by an awards ceremony at a UN-Habitat event in April. Winners also receive £10,000.
Entries can now be made to the 2017-18 awards, find out more at www.worldhabitatawards.org.
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