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We have an exciting opportunity to join the European End Street Homelessness Campaign as our Campaign Impact Manager.

We’re looking for someone who is passionate about evidence and the way it can support organisations to create real social change. The role will involve working directly with our 13 campaign cities from across Europe, supporting their goal of ending street homelessness.

The main responsibilities will include:

  • leading the development of new systems and enhance existing systems to enable World Habitat and campaign cities to capture, track and improve performance by identifying what works in ending homelessness;
  • proactively working with campaign cities to utilise data and wider evidence to develop robust recommendations and plans as part of a wider change strategy. This will include providing them with on-going flexible advice, support and guidance through the change process (where possible supported by real time data);
  • leading on the design and evaluation of quantitative and qualitative studies, and to write and present reports on key findings to campaign partners and external audiences; and
  • developing and maintaining effective relationships and networks with key stakeholders involved in relevant research and service delivery including local government, homelessness organisations, social change organisations, research centres and think tanks.

The deadline for applications is Tuesday 18 September 2018 at 10:00am (GMT) – for more details and to apply, please see our vacancies.

Image credit: Juan Lemus

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