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Proposals to end homelessness in Spain from non-profit organisation RAIS Fundación  – part of the European End Street Homelessness Campaign – to coincide with local, regional, national and European elections taking place this Spring have been published.

These proposals argue that homelessness is not an individual issue, but a structural problem and public policies to end homelessness must transform the current system.

Alberto Hidalgo Hermoso from RAIS said, “We want homelessness on the political and electoral agenda. That’s why we’re developing awareness and advocacy with political parties, to strengthen their commitment to solving this problem. It’s with this in mind that we’re holding a series of meetings with various political parties to share our ideas and proposals.

“We’ve created this report that lays out different proposals to end homelessness. We aim for these measures to be incorporated into the electoral campaigns of the different candidates who will compete in the 2019 electoral processes.

“We are certain that these proposals can quickly become effective public policies and will contribute to constructing a more just society, in which no-one has to live on the street. Homelessness is a global problem, and the response should be too. That’s why movements such as the European End Street Homelessness Campaign are so important – it’s an opportunity to work together.

“With political commitment and will we can end homelessness in Spain and Europe.”

Read the full proposals here.

Image: Juan Lemus

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