A Community Land Trust (CLT) is a community-led organisation that provides land and building to meet the long term needs of its community. It offers a way to provide permanently affordable housing as well as other things the community needs, like meeting spaces, workspaces, shops, pubs, farms and gardens. It holds these assets in trust, so the community benefits forever.
The UK’s national CLT conference took place at The Abbey Centre in London on 28 January and was organised by the National CLT Network. It focused on how to respond to and take advantage of this new housing environment and shape it to the sector’s best advantage.
World Habitat not only supports the CLT movement but we also played our part to inform and initiate discussions at the conference.
In the morning delegates had the chance to visit the pioneering East London CLT development at St Clements, Mile End. Then, back at The Abbey Centre attendees were able to take part in discussions on what the new housing policy and funding environment means for CLTs and community-led housing, with the Minister speaking plus MPs, economists and journalists.
Tom Archer, Programme Manager at World Habitat, chaired a breakout session about staking a place in UK cities based on the growing Urban CLT movement. Tom, along with Stephen Hill, was also involved in the closing session and announced the Urban CLT project grantees.
David Ireland, Director of World Habitat spoke about the challenges and opportunities for estate renewal and CLTs.
More details on the event can be found on the Community Land Trust website.
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