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The 2019 World Habitat Awards are now open for entries.

For over 30 years the World Habitat Awards have recognised and showcased the most innovative, outstanding and remarkable housing solutions from across the world.

In total, more than 250 outstanding projects and programmes have been recognised, each one demonstrating substantial and lasting improvements in housing and living conditions.

David Gazashvili, Country Director, CARE Philippines, who received a World Habitat Award in 2017, said:

“When CARE Philippines won the 2017 World Habitat Award, it wasn’t just a great post-disaster project that was the winner, but it was also the recognition of a whole approach that put people’s priorities and choices at the centre.

“We are constantly bolstered by the recognition given to the project by World Habitat. It has really helped us to promote self-recovery and put people at the centre.”

David Ireland, Director of World Habitat, said:

“The basic human right of decent housing is still not a reality for millions of people across the world. However, we know from the hundreds of entries we receive for the World Habitat Awards that there is an abundance of innovation and inspiration across the world, providing homes that change people’s lives.

“Our Winners and Finalists for the 2018 Awards illustrate how much impact projects and programmes can have. But we want to find out about more about what’s happening. We want to hear about your work that’s transforming the lives of individuals, families and entire communities. Please take the time to enter the 2019 World Habitat Awards – and we will share your work, your activity and your stories with the rest of the world.”

Two winners of the 2019 World Habitat Awards will receive a Gold Award and £10,000. There will also be Silver and Bronze Awards for other outstanding projects and programmes. In addition, winning projects will have the opportunity to share their approach to housing solutions through World Habitat’s Transfer Programme.

The Awards remain open for entry until 23:59 BST on 31 March 2019.

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