Exciting times are ahead. In November 2017 we will be changing our identity which includes our name to World Habitat.
World Habitat describes us far better than the Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF) ever could. It also relates closely to what we are best known for – our World Habitat Awards.
The people who work at World Habitat will not be changing. Our core mission and purpose will not change either, but we want to be clearer about who we are and what we do.
Our peer exchanges will continue. As will our work to end street homelessness through the European End Street Homelessness Campaign that we initiated. We will continue to champion communities that take control of solving their own housing needs.
We will continue to recognise, award and share with you the innovative, outstanding and sometimes revolutionary housing ideas, projects and programmes from across the world.
Read more from our Director David Ireland in his latest blog about this upcoming change.
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