Homelessness is a growing problem across Europe. RAIS Fundación and partners in Valencia coordinated a Homeless Meet Up from 19 – 22 April. This event was based on a successful process called registry weeks, developed in the USA as part of the 100,000 Homes Campaign.
In Valencia over 280 volunteers walked a combined total of 5,800km around the city and met 404 people living on the streets – considerably higher than the local authority estimate of 80 rough sleepers. 268 people agreed to take part in a survey to assess their needs. Following the Meet Up RAIS Fundación are analysing the data in detail but have already had a meeting with the city’s Mayor and regional government, who have announced that they will be launching a Housing First pilot in the city. This is a great step forward.
You can follow the conversation on twitter using the hashtag #HomelessMeetUpVLC. Plus there are lots of photographs and video footage from the week on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/worldhabitatawards or www.facebook.com/RAISfundacion
Learn more about how this work in Valencia is contributing towards a European campaign to End Street Homelessness on our website and keep an eye out for updates online from some of those taking part in Valencia’s Homeless Meet Up.
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